Reports & Products: Fact Sheets

Secondary School Experiences of Students With Autism (April 2007)

This fact sheet is available for download.


This fact sheet provides a national picture of secondary school experiences of students with autism who received education services at the time they were initially sampled for the study and provides a description of students’ secondary school experiences.

Secondary school students with autism take a range of courses in a given semester, with many taking academic, vocational, and other types of courses, such as life skills. Most take classes in both general and special education settings, although they are more likely to take courses in a special education rather than a general education setting.

Secondary school students with autism who take academic and vocational classes in a general education setting experience the same instructional practices as the class as a whole, however, the curriculum is modified for the majority of these youth.

Suggested Citation

Newman, L. (April 2007). Facts from NLTS2: Secondary school experiences of students with autism. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International. Available at